Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review

BRAINSTORMING- film: 127 hours
1. Camera angles
2. Hallucination
3. James Franco  carries the film
4. fate
5. nature
6. irony
7. family
8. confidence
9. strength
10. short movie
11. bad luck
12. corny ending
13. film effects
14. greusome but not very gory
15. true story

REVIEW OF: 127 Hours

The film 127 Hours was riveting despite the lack of action.  Even though for the majority of the movie James Franco was the only person of screen, and he was in the exact same place, I never got bored.  Franco starts to hallucinate or go into detailed imaginations to entertain imself during the 127 hours where he is stuck, with a rock pinning his arm down.  One of his vivid imaginations is of him being interviewed on a talk show, pointing out how everything went wrong to bring him to this point.  He couldn't find his good pocket knife, so he brought a cheap one that isn't sharp enough for him to amputate, despite his medical skill as part of search and rescue.  He doesn't answer the phone when his mom calls right before he leaves, so nobody knows his location.  He doesn't bring enough water or food.  These hallucinations make the movie exciting.  Also, I was very impressed with how the scene of Franco breaking the bone and cutting off his arm was made.  People think they couldn't handle watching a scene like that, but with the camera angles the scene only made you slightly squeemish, they didn't show anything that was very gross.  After Franco escapes and is rescued, they show him and his family and wife that he meets years later.  This ending is a bit corny, but it's definitely a feel-good ending and because it's accurate to what actually happened it doesn't bother me.  Overall, I was impressed that a movie like this could keep my attention, since I can't sit through movies.  I don't really have any complaints about this movie and I was very glad to see both it's Best Picture nomination and James Franco's nomination for Best Actor.

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